Lords Mobile Packs

Here's all Discord Servers of Lords Mobile in DIFFERENT LANGUAGES

All of them hold events, giveaways and sometimes giftcodes too. You can participate in all events to get lots of FREE items like gems, relocators, speedups, shields, energy... The list goes on...

Is it worth the time?

- in my opinion, yes... Each event barely takes 2-3 minutes to participate... Especially if you are F2p, these gifts will help a lot in progress!

What not to do

DON'T go to servers and randomly start spamming your IGG ID like a Zombie. You won't get any gifts for that! Also you might get banned from there for Spamming IDs... Instead, Follow this whole message, I'll explain properly how to use these servers! 

How to use these Servers

Step 1: join the servers, as many as you like, i suggest joining all

Step 2: change notification settings of all servers to "@mention only"

Step 3: you'll get notified whenever new event, giveaway or giftcode comes, as they tag everyone!

Go to that message which pinged you!

Step 4: copy the message text, check language of that server... Go to Google translate, select proper language and translate the message to your language

Language - Check language according to server name

Global = English 

RU/UA = Russian

Next one is obvious Chinese

TH = Thai but they generally post events in various different languages

VN = Vietnamese

JP = Japanese

DE = German

Next one is Arabic

PT/BR = Brazilian

ES = Spanish/Español

TR = Turkish

IT = Italian

ID = Indonesian

KR = Korean

TH server shares all Instagram posts of all languages. Joining it will make sure, you don't miss any Instagram events

JP server shares twitter posts, if you use twitter, you can participate those events too

Step 5: After Translating, properly understand the event and participate properly... Some expect you to write igg ID only, some require you to write a message or answer something, along with ID.